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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Off to the fair today - I need a sanity check

Logan was better yesterday afternoon with his tantrums. With some extra time and attention from all of us, he was more in control and responded better to verbal communications. As usual he was up early this morning 4:00am singing and dancing, although very loudly and disrupting the rest of the household. So we sat him up to the computer and did visual learning exercises on, a very good website for visual interactive learning. Maybe not the best choice of 4:00am activities, but it kept his attention and the rest of the house was able to get a few more hours sleep. Logan now 6 can play on the Starfall website by himself but one of us has to sit with him to prevent any repetitive loops he so easily slips into. If he finds an action or sound he likes on a certain web page he will click back and forth to repeat the event over and over for hours if left to do so.

So now the rest of the tribe, Skylar (Logan's sister), Luke (Logan's twin brother) and my wife, Dana, are all  awake and ready to go to the Fall Festival at their school. It's 10:30 am Saturday morning, and I am ready for bed already. Logan is also ready to go with plenty of fuel in his reserve tanks. These are the moments when you cant imagine where you will find the energy, motivation and patience to complete the rest of the day's tasks or planned events. Going to the fair is a treat for everyone as we are so broke, we don't do activities that cost money. Gramma and Grampa bought a bunch of tickets for the fair, so the day is on them, thanks G&G!

So, shower, sweep the dirt under the couch, dress everyone, find some clothes for myself (not easy at 50 lbs lighter than usual) and off to the fair. I pray for Logan to have a manageable day and have a back up plan in case he needs to leave. Granny Jan will go with us in another car and be ready to leave with Logy if needed. Usually Logan is fine at events like this but sometimes all it takes is one wrong visual or audio trigger to send him into an uncontrollable tantrum to get away from whatever is bothering him.
Other than that, should be a fun day? I try to convince myself anyway. There will definitely be no shortage of excitement that's for sure. Please share any comments and feedback, it does help to know your not alone.
Till later,
"Logan's Dad"

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