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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Project LifeSaver - If you have a family member that is a flight risk or tends to wander off, this bracelet can save their life.

Project LifeSaver is a program where participants wear an RF enabled wrist watch-type of device. The bracelet contains an RF device that emits a signal and each bracelet has a unique identifier serial number. For children with disorders who tend to run or wander off, or even seniors who have issues with getting lost or wander due to Alzheimers and other dementia related problems, this bracelet is a must have item for them and their families.

If you look at my son Logan's picture in the header of this page you can see the bracelet on his right hand. If Logan runs off or gets lost for any reason, we can call 911, give a PIN number and reference Project Life Saver. The local Sheriffs Dept. find his signal and pinpoint his location usually within minutes. For a young child who is unaware of the dangers in life due to Autism or other types of disorders, every minute counts when they go missing. This bracelet can be the difference between getting lost momentarily or losing their lives in a number of different ways we wish not to think about.

The RF technology in the bracelet is used as opposed to a GPS based technology so the signal can be picked up under water (up to 8 feet) and can also be detected inside well fortified places such as a concrete basement or abandoned water well (God forbid).

The Project LifeSaver Program is usually run by local law enforcement and we (the parents) keep a log every day to check batteries and make sure the unit is working properly. Every 30 days the sheriff will come out to our house to collect the paperwork and replace the batteries in the unit. Logan has no issues wearing the device and it gives us a little piece of mind when giving him his freedom outside and taking family trips to places like Disney World.

The program cost anywhere from $200 - $350 last I checked and is a one time fee. If you can not afford it, the local authorities will work something out for you as it is cheaper to fund the bracelet than to form a search party to look for Uncle Willie who is wandering out alone in an unfamiliar place. The only criteria for joining the program is that you have a family member who is a flight risk (due to health issue - not your cousin Billy who has 6 felonies).

For more information call your local law enforcement or Google Project LifeSaver. You can also call me (Shane) or my wife Dana anytime with questions.

Thanks for reading and please pass the word!
Shane Hopkins & Family

Autism Speaks

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